[CVBot] Unofficial Update REVAMPED (12.09.2011)

Senin, 12 September 2011

1. PHP 5.3.3 (old version is still being 5.3.1 since it started): this version keep more stable and reliable functions and connection; "Database is locked" happening on Plugins pages still common but less frequent, dosent affect the general funcionality at all; as usual, you notice it more if you have big cities filled with lots of buildings;
2. Revamped plugins: Buildings, Crops, Neighbors;
3. Revamped most of the codebase-php;
4. Added internally ENERGY auto-check: in case of running out of energy, it looks in your inventory and use it til hit energy = 30 or no more in inventory;
5. Added internally Connection auto-check: in case of DC (Can't connect to game server), it tryies to connect 3 times and move on from where it stoped, no need to restart the boot all again;
6. EXE file not showing Ad BANNER anymore, and the activity is showing in a better visualising font: Courier New;

Notice: its probably useless keep using Coin 3 or Coin 4 after this..

File: *removed due the others updates...
Enjoy =] ;)

30.08.2011 - Update 01
File: *removed due the others updates...
Update Notes:
* Fixed php.ini;
* Included the bandits update by Cryptosmasher;
* Fixed handling of max goods (also included storage_grain_elevator2 and storage_shackblue);
* Included php_curl.dll to create the compatibility with CityReq and CityHotel plugins (not tested tho)
* As said before.. Revamped plugins: Buildings, Crops and Neighbors... (idk about erros happening in other plugins than this ones)

01.09.2011 - Update 02
-> CityVille Bot (with PHP 5.3.1): http://www.mediafire.com/?3dyc478c8vbvada
-> CityVille Bot (with PHP 5.3.3): http://www.mediafire.com/?fhuyje7fg8nuq7t

Update Notes:
* The first link contain the same base librarys as the classic verion 1.59beta with PHP 5.3.1;
* Library php_curl.dll enabled by default on both versions;
* Library libeay32.dll included on both versions;
* Fixed the collecting of remodeled business and residences;
* Fixed Send Gifts in plugin Multi (not revamped tho);

Note: remember that the version with PHP 5.3.3 is more reliable however... if you are having problems with CURL library you can try both verions..
and if the problem with CURL library persists, you can deactivate it by commenting the line with extension=php_curl.dll inside the file php.ini,
in other words, change it to ;extension=php_curl.dll... also after this procedure the plugins depending on this library may not work;

08.09.2011 - Update 03
File: --------------------------------------------------------
Fixed file: http://www.mediafire.com/?cfzxxx0777v7bps

Installation Notes: its working on both versions of PHP (5.3.1 and 5.3.3) ; download and overwrite the files;

Update Notes:
* Improved downloading of XML files, now you can trace the downloaded size; (good to check problems of slow connections)
* Added Neighbor List function on the starting process; (also now it is obligatory the use of CURL library)
* Improved plugin pages of: Buildings, Crops and Neighbors;
* Fixed collection of Malls and Hotels;
* Fixed Franchise options on Neighbors plugins; (all PLACEABLE buildings on the select list)(its not as beutiful as CityFran, but it does the job)
* Added Franchise Accepting on Neighbors plugin;
* Added Neighbor list on Neighbors plugin;
* Added other small fixes;

09.09.2011 - Update 04
File: http://www.mediafire.com/?88s8pf7je7x8sgj

Installation Notes:
* This is a full packaged of previus updates but now with PHP 5.3.8 (VC9)
* Thx to KennyH:
-> If you have a Windows 32 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x86)
-> If you have a Windows 64 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x64)

10.09.2011 - Update 05
File: http://www.mediafire.com/?tiu1r3kw2p767xd

Update Notes:
* Fixed sort of neighbor list;
* Added collection of individual ZOOS, HOTELS, and MALLS; (also the page now is showing what buildings do you have dynamically)
* Added quick XML download code by sowijo_kaskuser;

11.09.2011 - Update 06
File: http://www.mediafire.com/?mbsb8nbau8a12hk

Update Notes:
* Fixed catching of the bandits;
* Fixed saving setting on Buildings and Neighbors plugin;
* Fixed mallfuntion of sequence collection on Buildings plugin;
* Added storage_megasilo to the storage process;
* Other small fixes;

12.09.2011 - Update 07
File: http://www.mediafire.com/?xxadrw55zedoszx

Update Notes:
* Fixed visiting on mall2 and sailboat hotels (ill fix for tonga tower later);
* Fixed Sending Gifts on Multi plugin;
* Added Power Station supplying to the Buildings plugin;
* Added Inbox Plugin 0.1 (made by me);
* Other small fixes;

12.09.2011 - Update 07.1
Inbox Plugin 0.2 File: http://www.mediafire.com/?c1nga1b9mxmqxcq

Update Notes:
-> Added better control on Helping process; (prevent from sending the same Help Request twice in a row)
-> Added amount control of Helping actions;

12.09.2011 - Update 07.2
Inbox Plugin 0.3 File: http://www.mediafire.com/?os7ndmpy8a7p7ey

Update Notes:
-> Fixed problem on handling the max actions on Help requests;
-> Fixed error handlings;

Installation Notes for all updates:
-> If you have a Windows 32 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x86)
-> If you have a Windows 64 bits you must install: Microsoft 2008 C++ Runtime (x64)
-> Add a firewall exception for the CVBot.EXE (guide here)
-> If you are overwriting some old bot files dont forget to CLEAR the \Profiles directory

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