Edited plugin for more coins.
1 neihbor = 5collect * 5'857= 29'285coin
more neighboards = more coins
higher level = higher bonus (71level=5857coins)
streakBonus2: 5857 coins
Bless neighbor Business bus_flowerkiosk
streakBonus2: 5857 coins
Bless neighbor Business bus_toystore
streakBonus2: 5857 coins
Bless neighbor Business bus_bakery
If neighbor visit your city, get you one 5857coins:
streakBonus2: 5857 coins
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30 obj=2011
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30 obj=2009
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30 obj=2007
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30 obj=2006
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30 obj=2003
Accept Neighbors help 3119*****30
Start accepting work from Neighbors.
Download Now
[New] Fix Again Hack Coin for Neighbor Cityville
Hendra Ringo
Kamis, 03 Februari 2011
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Pantesan coinnya hampir 2 bilion..
hahahahahaha... hebat, hebat.. creatif juga...?