Multibot 1.45 released for auto update
- Somehow i managed to disable/comment out the load settings option just before release so it went updating itself in a loop. Fixed it now. Tested and double checked it.
- Will check it better next time sorry about that. this is a new low for me
Download here
Multibot 1.44
- Fixed XP cityvillebot folder rights problem
- Fixed Security popup in IE8 blocking CVBOT
- Fixed Flash update file that runs in the background and is slowing or blocking IE Wall processing (also speeds up ulink loading )
- Fixed account cross link between CVBOT and multibot (if someone by accident linked the wrong world to the windows user name) will now be detected and corrected accordingly
- No more manual account linking scripts detects and links them for you (only needs a CVBot init run on all accounts after setup, it will link them at the next multibot start)
- Multibot hook moved to own plugin folder (more stable/reliable).
Multibot 1.42
Same as 1.44 but left hard coded path in hook file
Multibot 1.40
- New feature: (made possible thanks to Phreaker for the bot integration solution)
Auto process wall requests created by wall plugin. All configured accounts can now process each others request
for example with 4 accounts: account 1 request Z.Perm in wall plug-in, account 2,3,4 will send it and vise versa
(this functionality uses a IE background process so temporary increased memory usage can be expected during bot run when this option is enabled)
It can also remove old (already processed) HTML files from the wall request folder to keep it clean
- Fixed bug in wrong account link
- Removed accounts and autostart parameter option to hard to maintain in current version can still be set in config mode
- Some minor updates textual and functional
Multibot 1.35
- Fixed XP setup bug script now detects os version and disables windows 7 and vista checks.
- No more jump to config after download of an update. Only jump when really needed.
- Remove settings now also removes the version from registry (forgot this one creates nice bug when starting clean)
- There is a problem while setting up the script for XP it won't work on versions below 1.35
Full package Multibot 1.35 Full Package for 1st time install (tested on XP /Vista/W7/x86/x64)
Multibot 1.34
- Solved false positive virus scan problem (completely rewritten doesn't use the start page anymore)
- Solved IE9 start page not restored after IE tabs run (completely rewritten doesn't use the start page anymore)
- Solved Local account via start user 0 did not start
Multibot 1.33
- Clear cache improved
- IE Energy option changed
You can now send or request items by using parameters:
- Code:
multibot.vbs start ie itemname
The item name is the name you see in the selection bot when you start the multibot with
- Code:
multibot.vbs start ie *
This is like the ULink plugin but now on multiple tabs (you set in the config) for each account without starting the bot
Multibot 1.31 (stable)
Fixed some minor issues
Reorganized installation steps
Included automatic update from web
Included download if some files are missing (multibot essentials only not CVBOT)
Multibot 1.3
Fixed 1st time install problems
Fixed Bot startup problems on X64 computers
Multibot 1.23 (do not use for first time install)
Corrected password problem for newly created accounts in v1.22
Multibot 1.22 (do not use for first time install)
Included original CVBot.exe for non admin use
Fixed autostart disabled at startup
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