Step By Step MultiBot

Selasa, 05 April 2011

The MultiBot Full package contains 8 files but only a few MB

- multibot.vbs This is the main script
- xcacls.vbs This is a microsoft written script to change diskrights in batchmode (used for setting rights in XP)
- Psexec.exe This file is used to execute a file under another user account (Not included in the 1.22 package)
- Sqlite3.exe This is for Database interactions (I didn’t want users to install ODBC drivers for SqlLite)
- Multibot config.cmd This is just a batch file that starts multibot.vbs with the start config parameter
- Multibot energy.cmd This is just a batch file that starts multibot.vbs with the start ie *parameter
- multibot.txt The text you're reading now
- CVBot.exe The CVBot 1.58 file that not automatically wants administrator mode

What is the MultiBot
The Multibot is a script to run multiple CityVillebots simultaneous.
For example you have 2 or more Facebook accounts with Cityville and want to easily run CVBot simultaneous for both or more accounts.

Current Features
- Run multiple Cityvillebots (duhh)
- Auto start CityVillebot so no need to press start in the bot itself
- Auto correct the CityVillebot startup url (After a CVBot upgrade it usually gets you to the gift page)
- Remove the need to run CityVillebot as administrator (if needed Vista/Win7)
- Auto Enable visit all neighbors on MultiBot startup
- Start IE with multiple tabs for item requests on all your CVBot Facebook accounts (like Ulink)
- Auto process wall plug-in request files

Upgrade multibot
Just confirm the download updates question in the config or download the patch file below and extract it over the previous multibot.
After update it will automatically enter config mode if needed to update the settings for the new version.
Or if you don't use auto download, download the patch below and overwrite the file.

While configuring the multibot you could also be asked by windows to acknowledge changes don’t worry nothing drastic the only questions windows is going to ask are:
Enter administrator mode for Cscript (the actual windows app that runs the script) this is needed for configuring because the script creates or deletes windows accounts and or registry settings.
The Accounts the bot creates are like CVBOTx where x stands for a incremental number.
The Account shouldn’t show up in the windows start screen
The Accounts have been given a random password of 20 chars that is generated the first time the multibot is run.

Any setting can be changed afterwards or all settings removed to start from scratch

Multibot.vbs can be started with multiple parameters like:
Start config - Start configuration
Start energy - Only start IE per account (will be completely replaced for IE tabs after 1.33)
Start ie * or itemname - Since version 1.32 you can start IE with multiple tabs to request items per account
Start user x – Start only one CVbot where x stands for the account number configured in multibot ( 0 default account and 1 to x extra accounts)
Enable autostart – Enable autostart on CVBot and start all bots Discontinued since version 1.40
Disable autostart – Disable autostart on CVBot and start all bots Discontinued since version 1.40
Accounts [nr of accounts] – Change the number of accounts and start all bots Discontinued since version 1.40
Remove settings - Undo all changes to registry and remove created windows accounts (this will remove all made settings and windows account for multibot)

Known Issues / Bugs / Problems
[*] Version previous to 1.34 could be marked as a virus or trojan by some virus scanners this is a false positive (due to ie startpage change) and was resolved in 1.34
[*] If every account that multibot starts asks for admin rights you updated CVBOT with Phreakers version, delete the CVBOT.EXE and multibot will download the correct one
[*] If you run multibot and it start CVBot let it load completely and stop bot before close or it could happen that php.exe keeps running in the other user account (can be closed by taks manager look for php.exe under CVBOTx account)
[*] PSexec.exe – Some virus scanners tend to block this file as a hacking tool this is not correct it is a genuine file from Sysinternals now owned by Microsoft and vital for multibot to work because it is needed to start files on different windows accounts. (if it's blocked exclude it from the virus scanner)

There are some misunderstandings about this script.
Some say it doesn't start when i load cvbot. Well thats because it is not a Plugin (not to confuse with the multi plugin)
To use the multibot script you have to start the multibot.vbs file and not the normal cvbot shortcut.
The shortcut will start your bot normaly but the multibot script will start the cvbot for all configured accounts.
If you have 4 accounts configured it starts 4 cvbots
If you have a lot more than you could better create a cmd (batch) file to start them in batches with the start user x option or create separate shortcuts for each account

First time Installation Video for 1.31 (later versions can have more questions but the basics are the same)
First time Installation manual for 1.31 (later versions can have more questions but the basics are the same)

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