There are manual ways on exploiting a CityVille exploit, those are by Charles proxy or browsers (Chrome's inspector, Firebug, etc).
This is a []CityVille bot[/url]'s implementation for the exploit, to get almost all free items.
SubPlugin's idea and initiator is by cryptosmashr.
Exploit is found by anonymous.
This is a very early release. No comprehensive overall test procedure as a free subplugin. If you found a bug, it's expected.
1. Change "bot_installation_folder\php.ini" file in order to support CURL, (plugin needs CURL library.)
Open php.ini file in a text editor e.g. Notepad.
Find this line of text: ";extension=php_curl.dll"
Remove semicolon ";" character at beginning of the line.
Save the file.
2. Extract and install the subplugin RAR file in the approriate cityville_bot_installation_folder\Plugins\ in your bot's directory.
3. In subplugin, we need FB UID (facebook unique identification number) of your dummy neighbors, since z does not support fbuid anymore in the game.
FBUID can be copied from your facebook's profile page, under Friends tab, with each address has a prototype like this:
Code: | |
copy that address (right click => copy address) then paste it into plugin's editor.
4. Use only your dummy neighbors, do not send requests to stranger, you'll be reported and get banned for violating z tos.
Recommended to select 1 dummy-neighbor at a time / in a cyle, or at most 2 or 3 neighbors to minimize error on receiver's side.
5. This subplugin is developed and tested above phreaker's unofficial bot version 1.58. Works also in v1.59.
Read users' comments in here.
6. Cheat at your own risk.
note: Sometimes dummy-neighbors get "request has expired" message when trying to help out.
Usually first helper will always succeed, while second and later helper get error result.
To overcome this problem, try to send request to one dummy-neighbor only per cycle. It's better slow than nothing.
As you know, it's not z if their servers are always perfect. One day I helped all requests with no error at all, while next day got many errors with the same tools and procedures.
Download here or here
In some other case, your friend's Facebook address is by FB-name, not by FB-uid. To get FBuid, open his/her FB profile page, hover above his/her profile photos, you get address like this:
http:// www,facebook,com/media/set/?set=pa.199991234567890
This url contains your friend's fbuid, right click to copy the link, and paste the link into plugin's edit-box.
some images:

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